Starting a Design Agency: The Purpose & Vision of III Dimension

May 28, 2024

Discover the heart and soul behind our agency as we unveil the story behind our journey from idea to innovation. Join us on an exploration of passion, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of design excellence.

Explore the inspiring journey of III Dimension, a design agency founded on passion and vision. From the rise of entrepreneurship to the personal motivations behind starting the agency, discover how III Dimension's core values of simplicity, transparency, and efficiency set it apart in the industry. Gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own entrepreneurial journey.

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Discovering III Dimension: Design + Entrepreneurship

May 28, 2024

Announcing the launch of III Dimension's new blog, led by founder Mike Latham. The blog will share insights on design and entrepreneurship, covering topics like the No-Code Movement, AI, starting a business, and the challenges of running a design agency. Join us to explore practical tips, industry insights, and project stories.

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