Runaway Ridge

Developing a Business Platform for Growth Through Storytelling of Life on an Appalachian Mountain Range

Brand Identity  |  Website Design & Implementation  |  CMS Management  |  Email Campaigns  |  Search Engine Optimization  |  Site Analytics  |  Social Media Management  |  Scale & Growth

Located in West Virginia, Runaway Ridge is over 50 acres of land, 4 of which sit atop a mountain range. As the family behind the name began to dream of what the property could one day become, they quickly needed a gameplan on how to get there.

See the Site

The 10,000ft View

Runaway Ridge is a versatile venture driven by the overarching mission of fostering connections with local communities, uplifting businesses, and showcasing the exquisite beauty of West Virginia. With aspirations to become an online 'trading post,' delve into the BnB space, host educational events with collaborative partners, and more, they approached III Dimension to craft a comprehensive business strategy to realize their ambitions.

In the pursuit of any grand idea, the initial step is often the most pivotal. For Runaway Ridge, this involved cultivating an audience through the art of storytelling, narrating the construction journey of a 3,000-square-foot cabin with sweeping 180 degree views of over six mountain ranges. Through captivating imagery and posts brimming with DIY insights, Runaway Ridge is successfully expanding its reader base, poised to transform these readers into potential customers.

Looking ahead to 2024, Runaway Ridge has set its sights on venturing into the BnB space. Their inaugural plot is designed to cater to campers, hikers, and RV travelers eager to explore Lost River State Park and its surrounding areas.

Goes Digital

In embarking on their journey to build an audience through their blog, Runaway Ridge recognized the importance of a robust online presence to gauge their progress. This involved the implementation of a supportive Content Management System to host the blog, unique SEO strategies, tracking analytics, email blasts, and more.

With these tools in place, Runaway Ridge can now not only write additional blog posts but also effectively analyze viewership, clicks-throughs, and overall site engagement. This data serves as a valuable measure of success, providing insights that aid in future planning and ultimately guide their next steps in their evolving venture.